Seventy percent of the world's poorest nations are in Africa.
The population of Africa's poorest people is growing too rapidly for governments to support their needs. In many of Africa's least developed nations, women average more than six children.
AIDS has become a pandemic throughout Central and West Africa. More than 21 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with the AIDS virus. This is more than twice the number of the rest of the world combined. The death rate among adults under sixty has risen more than fifty percent and has tripled in Zimbabwe. It is estimated that one of every five Zimbabweans have the virus. · African nations owe more substantial amounts of money to nations around the world, and are unable to pay what they owe.
Dictatorships which in most cases lead to ethnic rivalries and civil wars which have forced millions of Africans to become refugees is as a result of leaders using their tribes as a tool to grip onto power at what ever cost thus twisting the hands of others and force them in to subjugation.
A refugee is a person who has had to flee their home for safety. When civil disobediances occur, the same rougue governments would try put the blame on those who oppose them. Africa is a living hell under its dictatorial governments who care very less about the plight of their people.
If African leaders care then it should have been the other way roung, Africa should be giving aid to other continents even Europe and America and not otherwise. They are greedy bafoons who came from satan to cause havoc and mesery for all children of Africa
Famine and drought have plagued many of the nations of Africa. World organizations have attempted to help, but civil war and ethnic rivalries often keep food from reaching people who need it.
Madness isn't it?
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