It is common knowledge that President Yahya Jammeh and his administration have no respect for our constitution neither do they consider it the supreme law of our sovereign nation. Since using force to ascend the high office of head of state, president Jammeh had been taking all Gambians for fools only he is the patriotic son of our motherland.
The reason why Gambians should show him and his administration the exit door are many but just to remind my fellow citizens few of them are:
Since Lieutenant Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh and his military collaborators toppled the Jawara administration on July 22, 1994 and after suspending the 1970 republican constitution and all political activities banned and the Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (AFPRC) brought in the notorious decree 89.A Degree that banned many politicians of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), headed by the ousted ex-president, Sir Dawda Jawara, as well as the opposition parties, the National Convention Party (NCP) and Gambia People’s Party (GPP). Although the decree was later repealed, which many welcomed but the initial euphoria quickly died down as it became clear that other constitutional clauses would continue to restrict opposition activities. Former members of Sir Dawda’s government are still banned from standing for public office if they have been judged guilty of misconduct, negligence or corruption by commissions of enquiry.
All that was designed so that our young men could buy time getting ready while they use the electric broom against any big political opponent in case they forced to hold elections. Yet openly they were pretending to Gambians that they are soldiers with a difference, that they are not power hungry, that they have come to safe us all. Waau!
Because the country under Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara had been one of the most stable and democratic in the sub-region, the coup was unpopular internationally but locally inside the Gambia, many people welcomed the coup and were willing to give the young soldiers a chance to bring back sanity into Gambian politic. Even when economic aid was suspended which led to severe hardships across the entire country, people still braced the hardship hoping for a better future promised by our young men in uniform. Aid suspension greatly influenced the subsequent foreign policy of the regime established by the coup leaders, the traditional EU and USA friendships were kept cold for some time, with the regime often branding them as imperialists, while they courted and made friendships with rouge regimes such as that of Muamar Qadafi of Libya, Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Chavez of Venezuela, Charles Tailor of Liberia, Late Mobutu of DRC, Late Sani Abacha of Nigeria Ben Ali of Tunisia, Mubarak of Egypt and Ahmadinejad of Iran.
The revolution (as it was called)—saw what some supporters and those disaffected with the Jawara administration called what the country had been waiting for. Soon after the coup, the Arm Forces provisional ruling council (that is the name they called themselves).Said they would only guide power back to civilians after a two year transition program.
Other citizens and even the West never trusted these men thus the West’s suspension of Aid leading to economic hardship with prices of basic commodities skyrocketed. The once-popular coup started becoming unpopular when arbitrary arrests, press censorship, seizure of private properties without requisite court orders, and so-called commissions of enquiry to investigate former administration officials fuelled people’s anger against the military dictatorship.
Because they so intend to fool Gambians into believing they have come to safe us rather than enriching themselves(those at the top) while their colleagues stayed neglected, This betrayal led to division in the army. Senior members at the top wanted to stay put, while other branch battalion heads want to stick to the time table of transition and hand over to a civilian government then return to barracks. These differences led in November 1994 to an abortive coup in which 14 soldiers were summarily executed including the coup leader late Lieutenant Basiru Barrow then head of 1st Infantry Battalion and the following: Lieut. Abdoulie Dot Faal, Lieut. Bakary Manneh, Lieut. Buba Jammeh, Lieut. Momodou Lamin Darboe, Cadet Officer Sillah
Lieut. Jawara, and Staff sergeant Basiru Camara, with Corpl. Mendy, as well as Lieut. Gibril Saye, and others.
Gambians must remember Yahya Jammeh and his then deputy Captain Sana Sabally told Gambians on national media that ONLY THREE SOLDIERS DIED. Later turned out that was THE JANFA OF THE CENTURY OF FELLOW COMRADES!
Some of these fellow citizens and brothers were buried in old pit latrines while others were buried while they speak alive.
Don’t we have consciences? Gambians seem to forget so easily I belief. These men tried to save us all so that we could be masters of our own destinies. But yet we tend to completely forget them while we move on as some call it.
We must remember that they were the first victims of the fight for freedom as more heads were to roll: Please read on!
Sana Sabally himself and another junta member late Sadibu Hydara on a Friday 27th January 1995, were also arrested and accused of trying to overthrow the government they created. They were captured and goaled in MILE 2 where Sadibu was said to have died as a result of torture which the administration denied saying he died of high blood pressure. We now belief he too had become a victim. Had my former friend and class mate Sana Listen to the cries of those dying colleagues of his in uniform when he had the power to spare their lives by taking them to court marshal. But he like many later on was blinded by new found power which he thought he had forgetting that POWER was God’s only and humans are only tested with atoms of it.
On 23 of June 1995, on top of fears and rumours of kidnapping during the period, Ousman Koro Ceesay, a civilian minister of finance in the AFPRC Military cabinet, was allegedly murdered. His death was treated with mixed information with radio kankang spreading all sorts of lies across. Some saying Jawara was preparing to attack the Gambia for a comeback. Fear gripped many but thanks to Foroyaa news paper, a lot came to light. Minister Ceesay’s vehicle and his charred body were found at a culvert between Jambur and Jambanjelly in the Kombo South District. Still no one has been charged with that young promising man’s death. Though it was alleged that Edward Singhateh former vice chairman and Minister together with Yankuba Touray another member of the Junta and former minister and staff Sergeant Alagie Kanyi known as simply the killer by his fellow soldiers were responsible for Koro’s death, they were never questioned at all and to this day, no one has ever been brought to pay for that crime.
Transition period!
A National Consultative Committee constituted of the military council recommended that power be handed over to a democratically elected government in two years.
In 1996 saw the drafting of a proposed constitution and referendum in August which includes amongst others the MUCH PUBLIC ANTICIPATED PRESIDENTIAL TERM LIMIT. Which many felt would put a cap on corrupt governments knowing fully well they can’t serve beyond 10 years which larked in the first republic. (Two five year term)
That clause was removed by the power hungry wolves in sheep clothing with their legal collaborators who then were blinded by their hate of the previous regime, forgetting what they were subjecting us all into. We can now forgive them but they must correct that by voting against what they created at the ballot box which is secret.
2. Also removed from the drafted constitution was another important tool that empowered Gambians in the previous Jawara administration:
Ask your selves these questions why would the Junta remove those important clauses from the draft constitution without consulting the people? The answer is simple: The chiefs and Alkalolus(village Heads), play one of the most crucial roles in the country’s administration. They deal directly with the people and if they can be selected by one person rather than the people, their loyalty will Of cause lie with who selected them, they will serve only the interest of the one who put them there nothing more nothing less.
Human rights clauses (sections 19-24) have been amended. Two clauses, sections 19 and 24, have been cancelled. Section 19 required that detainees were brought before a court within 72 hours of imprisonment. Now anyone can be arrested and kept in custody for an unlimited period without even being charged, let alone tried. Section 24 deals with the right to trial by jury which, according to the government, is slow, expensive and subject to outside pressure.
No fellow Gambians it is a lie they knew what they were doing and leaving those legislations would also empowers Gambians who can take the Government to court when ever their human rights are violated.
Then all was set in motion and Yahya Jammeh and co had the strong footing, they came out with an announcement that the nation’s so called elders came to State House asking coup leader Yahya Jammeh to take off the military uniform and stand for election.
Even if that was true, have we forgotten Yahya himself said politics is dirty that he would not engage in politics? How comes then selected elders come and every district was represented? That too shows their strategy was to stay put either wisely or by force if necessary.
Hasty elections were held with intimidations and torturing Gambian oppositions. Yahya Jammeh was pronounced winner by a so called independent election commission whose chairman was his own chosen confidant.
After the 1996 election, it did not take long for the former junta leaders to start reneging on their promise to stamp out corruption, nepotism and the flamboyant lifestyles of public servants at the expense of ordinary people.
Fleets of fancy cars and extravagant lifestyles became the order of the administration. Due mainly to high citizen illiteracy, political ignorance many Gambians have been cheated by Yahya Jammeh and his administration. The state coffers have been emptied by looters who parade before us as civil servants.
Many analysts and observers and even members of Yahya’s own inner circle, cannot deny the fact that the Jammeh administration is more corrupt and inept than the Jawara regime they toppled. The once-popular government has turned against its own people they portray to have come to defend.
No wonder vast majority of citizens living in a state of fear. Arbitrary arrests, press censorship, seizure of private properties without requisite court orders, harassment of former public servants and ordinary citizens have increased since the transition from military rule. Police and military brutality was widely reported and soon NGOs, private legal practitioners, journalists and some students began to form all manners of organizations devoted to promoting democracy.
In April 2000, a peaceful student demonstration of the Gambia Students Unions (GAMSU) and the National Union of Gambian Students (NUGS) led a demonstrated on April 10, 2000 to protest the alleged beating to death of Ebrima Barry at the hand of fire service officers in Brikama, Western Region, whose teacher had told the fire service officers to intervene in disciplining him. Ebrima was reportedly beaten, tortured and later died. Apart from the outrageousness of the fact that fire service officers were asked to discipline a student, the government failed to properly investigate the matter. The GAMSU student leadership made demands to see the autopsy report (which was widely believed to be a cover up) which stated that Ebrima died of natural causes. A spontaneous student protest ensued at the Gambia College, where a Gambia Students’ Union (GAMSU) sub-union existed.
While that was being discussed, a thirteen-year old school girl was allegedly raped by a uniformed paramilitary (intervention police) officer at the Independence Stadium, where an annual inter-schools sports competition was taking place. A doctor’s examination confirmed the girl was raped and again, GAMSU pressed for answers. After a long delay to bring the paramilitary officers who were on duty at the stadium for the victim to identify her assailant, GAMSU requested a police permit to hold a peaceful public protest. This request was denied.
The Students realizing it was their constitutional right to protest called its members to peacefully march toward the capital city of Banjul to demand answers from the military junta. They were viciously crushed by a mixture of police and military officers who had orders according to some quarters to kill the bastards. Sixteen people died, including a Red Cross volunteer/radio journalist and a three-year old child (who was killed by what was reported to be a stray bullet). Fourteen students in total were killed and several others were injured or severely maimed by Yahya Jammeh’s military and police forces. GAMSU, which at the time had branches all over the country, did not back down. Upon viewing the violent response of government to the protest of their colleagues in the city, students in the country’s only rural high schools in several other towns in the rural area of the country, launched their own protests on April 11; and like their colleagues, they were violently quashed and several hundreds of students were detained country wide with four deaths in Brikamaba schools alone.
The dead were later confirmed as the following:Reginald Carroll, Karamo Barrow, Lamin A. Bojang, Ousman Sabally, Sainey Nyabally, Ousman Sembene, Bakary Njie, Claesco Pierra, Momodou Lamin Njie, Ebrima Barry, Wuyea Foday Mansareh, Bamba Jobarteh, Momodou Lamin Chune, Burama Badgie, Abdoulie Sanyang together with red cross volunteer, Omar Barrow.
Gambians must remember that prior to the activities leading to the student massacre of 2000; GAMSU had stood for justice for students and society since its founding in 1967. In general, most student protests in The Gambia had been issue-focused on rising prices of basic commodities, teacher retrenchments, and political rights, but were never a broad based political challenger. In fact GAMSU`s biggest ever protest held, was in 1977 by Gambia College students, but there were no reported killings by the Jawara administration. Though, student leaders were expelled from school and many could not find employment with the government. Yahya Jammeh himself had joined student campaigns many times in the past while he was a student.
The GAMSU protests of April 10-11, 2000 took a different dark chapter in the history and legacy of Yahya Jammeh’s reign. After being violently crushed in the streets, GAMSU continued to fight by taking its case to the courts to secure the release of its arbitrarily detained members and to further secure an injunction from the High Court against further government harassment. Government of Yahya Jammeh retaliated by splitting GAMSU up. They created National Patriotic Students UNION (NPSU) who challenged and almost destroyed GAMSU with government help.
GAMSU had the backing and support from private lawyers and human rights groups, which also marked a high point in the partnership amongst GAMSU, private lawyers and human rights activists in The Gambia. Concerned citizens and professionals came together to put up a legal defense team for the students and soon these defense lawyers and their colleagues in the human rights activist groups, such as Amnesty International-Gambia, formed a group called the Coalition of Human Rights Defenders.
Although some members of this group are now in voluntary exile, especially after one of its leaders was shot and nearly killed in front of his house, members of this group continues to be active defenders of human right in their individual profession.
The political struggle has also now taken an international dimension with several important activists living in exile in Europe, neighbouring Senegal and the USA. Due to heightened fear and intimidation, the regime’s opponents have often resorted to seeking international condemnation of the regime. Citizens have largely been cowed and it seems only a few believe that they could eventually remove Mr Jammeh from office democratically.
Gambians should ask themselves these questions when going to vote: The below named people that died either while in detentions or mysterious disappearances,
How are their families cooping? What of if one or two were from my own family? What of if I was one of those, how my family would cope at my death or torture?
Politicians arrested and detained unlawfully (though most are now free) but many have been tortured:
Hon. Alhagie Ousainou Darboe, opposition Leader UDP, Hon. Halifa Sallah opposition Leader PDOIS, Hon. Omar Amadou Jallow PPP, Lamin Waa Juwara former Opposition leader, Hon Demba Dem: ex-MP of the ruling APRC, Momodou Demba Politician, Momat Cham: former minister, Hon. Momodou Cadi Cham former minister in the first republic, Maimuna Jobarteh opposition Politician, Cherno Ndure Jarju Politician, Lamin Jarsey Politician, ,Hon. Duta Kamaso: ex-MP of the ruling APRC, Hon. Abdoulie Kanaji Jawla MP, APRC,, Kanyiba Kanyi unicef staff and opposition Politician (now feared dead), Hon. Omar Baru Camara, ex MP of the ruling APRC, Nato Keita, opposition Politician, Kebba Yorro Manneh opposition Politician, Ousman Rambo Jatta: Councilor of UDP, Janko Singhateh opposition Politician, Azziz Tamba: Politician, Lamin Ceesay Politician, Ramzia Diab former nominated MP, of the ruling APRC, Jerreh Fatty UDP opposition Politician. Gambian civilian citizens detained and Released or still in Jail unlawfully 1994-2009
Awa Darboe Cham: wife of alleged coup leader Ndure Cham, Haruna Jammeh a Jola Villager, Kebbaringo Jammeh Councilor, Marcel Jammeh a Jola Villager who challenge Yahya Jammeh, Amie Jarju. Villager who challenges Yahya Jammeh, Ousman Sey Marabout, and Tamba Fofana Head Master accused of being an opposition sympathizer. Pa Njie Guirigara: General Manager, VM, Lamin R. Darboe: Politician, Bamba Mass Human Right Activist/ opposition politician, Lamin Saiba Darboe, Raif Diab Businessman, Ebou Waggeh, Omar Faal Marabout, Those Dead as a result of alleged torture
Kebutay Jafuneh, UDP, Seedy Jawneh UDP, Seedia Sanyang UDP, Omar Njie UDP militant killed at Talinding by security forces during election campaign in 2001
Students detained and tortured,
Alhagie Nyabally: ex-President, Gambia Student Union, Alassan Nyassi, Balla Nyassi, Mustapha Lowe College student, Fatou Senghore,
Military/ Security men or retired service men arrested and tortured:Captain Bunja Darboe, Captain Wassa Camara, Captain Yahya Darboe, 2nd Lt Alieu Ceesay, Sergeant Buba Mendy, Captain Pierre Mendy, Commander MB Sarr Gambia National Army, Lt M. Savage: Gambia National Army, 2nd Lt Pharing Sanyang: Gambia National Army, Private Ebrima Sonko Lance Corporal Babou Janha army officer, Private Alagie Nying of the Gambia National Army, Lamin Sanneh former Permanent Secretary, Sergeant Abdoulie Sanyang, Tamsir Jassey: ex-Deputy Inspector General Police, Director of Immigration, Lamin Gassama: Security Manager, Banjul International Airport, Ebrima Camara: ex-police officer, Superintendent Abdoulie Colley: ex-police officer, Retired Colonel Abdoulie Conteh: former KMC Mayor, Staff Sergeant Manlafi Corr,
Arrested members of the notorious NIA
Abdoulie Kujabi: ex-Director General, Foday Barry: ex-NIA; director of Intelligence, Baba Saho: ex-NIA director, External Security, Musa Dibba: ex-NIA Director of Finance, Kemo Balajo: ex-National Intelligence Agency, Jasaji Kujabi, Nourou Secka ex-NIA operative, Bamba Manneh: ex-NIA operative, Alieu Singhateh: ex-NIA operative.
Members of the Independent Electoral Commission IEC arrested
Ndondi S.Z. Njie former Chairman of IEC, Sulayman Sait Mboob: ex-Minister, IEC Commissioner, Ebrima Sanneh ex-IEC officer, Momodou Jaw ex-IEC officer, Baba Drammeh: ex-Independent Electoral, Commission (IEC) officer.
My friends how can Yahya Jammeh arrest even members of the IEC? Then where do we expect the rest to act freely when their colleagues can get picked up and no one would dare raise even an eye brow. There can never be a free and fair election but Gambians would all know if we collectively want to vote Yahya Jammeh out when we are cheated.
Civil Servants arrested detained since 1994 some tortured
Late Sheriff Mustapha Dibba: ex-Assembly Speaker, Dr. Badara Loum ex-Permanent Secretary, Tijan Bahoum: Power Supply Director NAWEC, Baboucarr Jobarteh ex-Protocol Officer, Alieu Jobe ex-Accountant General, Abdou Jobe: Managing Director, NAWEC, Adama Deen: former Managing Director Gambia Ports Authority, Karamo Jaiteh former Managing Director, Gambia Roads Authority, Lamin Bojang: Medical Research Council, Suruwa Jaiteh former Permanent Secretary Omar Ndow former Managing Director of Gamtel/Gamcel, Sarane Hydara: ex-Senior Civil Servant, Lamin Keita: ex-Senior Civil Servant, Ebou Secka: ex-Senior Civil Servant, Momodou Senghore ex-Senior Civil Servant Kebba Faye: ex-Senior Servant, Ansumana Fadera ex-Senior Civil Servant,
Journalists’ arrested, tortured while some on Exile in Senegal, Europe and the US:
Madi Ceesay: President, Gambia Press Union, Lamin Cham: ex-Daily Observer, BBC correspondent Lamin Cham Chief Ebrima B. Manneh journalist, Daily Observer newspaper (now feared dead), Fatou Jaw Manneh democratic Activist and US based journalist, Modou Sonko: journalist, Daily Observer newspaper, Juldeh Sowe journalist, The Independent newspaper, Malick Mboob: ex-Daily Observer, RV, Issac Success journalist, Daily Express newspaper, Musa Sheriff journalist, Gambia News & Report magazine, Amie Sillah: journalist, women activist, Sam Obi: Daily Express, RFI correspondent, Musa Saidykhan former Editor-In-Chief, The Independent newspaper, Bertrand Sambou, Dodou Sanneh former journalist, GRTS, October 2005: Abdoulie Sey, March 2006, Madi Ceesay, Pa Ousman Darboe, Alieu Badara Sowe, Musa Saidykhan, Sulayman Makalo, Omar Bah, Alhagie Mbye, Ebrima Sillah, Augustus Mendy, Bankole Thompson, Papa Colley, Sulayman Darboe, Fatou Jaw Manneh, Pa Omar Jatta, Momodou Thomas, Ansumana Badgie, Pa Samba Jaw, Sarjo Bayang, Pa Nderry Mbai, Cherno Baba Jallow, Seedy Ceesay, Ebrima Ceesay, Baba Galleh Jallow, Ebrima G. Sankareh, Yankuba Jambang, Musa Saidykhan, Yusupha Cham, Kemo Cham, Baboucarr Sankanu, Mathew K. Jallow and a host of others whose names are not here. Like Lamin Fatty and others.Military and Security mysterious Deaths.
Captain Tumbul Tamba, Captain Musa Jammeh, Colonel Vincent Jatta.
My God! Are these people worthless? Of cause not they were loved ones who were victims used and dumped six feet. Some of these loved ones were misused to a point Gambians feared them more than God as they used their positions to inject fear into people. But now that they are gone must we not forget and forgive these men?
While the likes of Lt. Solomon Jammeh, Pa M. Jallow, Manlafi Sanyang, Boye Bah, Momodou Bah, Illo Jallow ECT were not dangerous but agents of the “Oga” and victims like all of us
Let us concentrate on their master Yahya Jammeh who would continue if allowed by us to replace them with other lethal men to do worse than the likes of “maliamungu”.
Security men and civilians once working for Yahya Jammeh who have now fled the country:
Col. Ndure Cham (GAF), Abdoulie Kujabi (NIA), Kemo Balajo, Alieu Singhateh, Foday Barry, Musa, Tapha Njie, Bakary B. Darboe, Abdou Sarah Janha, Saikou Sabally, Alagie M., Demba Dem, Foday Makalo, Famandu Sanyang, Malang Saho, Foday Makalo, Buba Baldeh, Samba Sabally,
Haruna Jammeh a Jola Villager, Kebbaringo Jammeh Councilor, Marcel Jammeh a Jola Villager who challenge Yahya Jammeh, Amie Jarju. Villager who challenges Yahya Jammeh, Ousman Sey Marabout, and Tamba Fofana Head Master accused of being an opposition sympathizer. Pa Njie Guirigara: General Manager, VM
Citizen FM was closed down unlawfully by Yahya Jammeh’s administration because Gambians enjoyed listening to wollof and Mandinka programs aired on that radio. The station was very popular with Gambians and its closure shows the regime wanted to put a cap on freedom of speech.
August 8th. 2001, Radio Station 1 FM, was set ablaze around by un identified assailants in the morning, after proprietor George Christensen and his watchman were doused with hazardous chemicals in the hope of incinerating them. The two victims survived the ordeal. They too lost everything for freedom
August 10th. 2001, Alieu Bah, Radio I FM journalist, whose moderated debates and discussions was enjoyed by you Gambian citizens as it was very educative, in trying to silence Mr. Bah, his home was set ablaze around in the night while he, his wife and children were asleep. The family narrowly escaped death they too lost everything for freedom.
October 17th. 2003, The Independent Newspaper premises were set on fire around in the morning when unidentified masked men stormed the building, assaulted the night watchman and then sprayed him with fire hazard chemical in the hope he would burn to death. But he luckily survived the assault. The premise was totally destroyed beyond recognition.
September 19th. 2003, around 6 p.m. Abdoulie Sey, Editor-in-Chief, of the Independent Newspaper was arrested from his office by intelligence agents and held incommunicado. He was released four days later.
The Independent News Paper after their machines have been destroyed, they do their printing at Kanifing. Enemies of freedom would never let them educate Gambians for on April 13th. 2004, the Kanifing printing machines of the Independent Newspaper was set on fire in the early hours of the morning by individuals dressed in military uniform. All printing machinery and other hardware equipment were completely destroyed. Proprietors of that News Paper too lost everything for our freedom.
August 15th. 2004, the home of B.B.C reporter, Ebrima Sillah was set on fire as he slept. He narrowly escaped death but lost everything for freedom
Look Yahya Jammeh and his men enjoy intimidating Gambians! Read on please!
September 2005, Musa Saidykhan, Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper, was detained for interrogation for a brief period of time shortly after returning from a South African journalist conference.
.December 16th. 2005, police ruffed Ratatouille Charreh up after the participants in a conference she attended, attempted to visit the spot where journalist Deyda Hydara was gunned down.
March 27th. 2006, Musa Said khan, Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper, was arrested by security agents a few days after publishing an article critical of Yahya Jammeh’s reactions in the wake of an alleged coup attempt. He was released after three weeks in detention.
March 2006, Madi Ceesay, of the Independent was, arrested by the regime’s agents, was released after three weeks of detention.
April 10th. 2006, Independent reporter, Lamin Fatty was arrested from his home by NIA agents and released after two months in detention and charged with false publication.
April 25th. 2006, Independent receptionist, Juldeh Sowe, was arrested and released after several hours.
In mid 2006, Njaimeh Bah, a Point Newspaper reporter, was attacked by unidentified bandits believed to be members of the notorious Green Boys and, was severely beaten.
May 24th. 2006, following the hacking of the online, Freedom Newspaper, five Gambian journalists whose names appeared on the paper’s readers list were arrested and detained for different lengths of time. After several months they were released. They are:
Musa Sheriff, Pa Modou Faal, Lamin Cham, Sam Obi, Malick Mboob ect.
In 2006, alleged attempted coup, Daba Marena former NIA director, who at the time of the alleged attempted coup was with president Jammeh while on a state visit to Mauritania was arrested and he disappeared together with, Staff Sergeant Manlafi Corr, Sergeant Major Alpha Bah and Lt. Ebou Lowe. Government claimed they escaped while being taken from Mile 2 to Janjanbury prison in the rural Gambia. They are yet to surface anywhere on this planet earth.
Military and Security men thought to have been executed in 2006
Daba Marenah, Alieu Ceesay, Alpha Bah, Manlafi Corr, and Ebou Lowe
July 7th. 2006, Daily Observer journalist, Ebrima Chief Manneh, was arrested by NIA officials from the Observer premises, was seen in public once after two years detention, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, sick and emaciated. Six U.S Senators; Edward Kennedy, Richard (Dick) Durbin, Russell (Russ) Feingold and Joe Lieberman among others wrote to Yahya Jammeh asking him to release Journalist Manneh after being held for nearly three years. Manneh is believed to have been murdered by Jammeh’s agents. Again Yahya Jammeh turned a deaf ear to request even from you citizens who love chief Manneh regardless of your love for Yahya Jammeh.
September 2006, a Gambia Radio and Television Services reporter, Dodou Sanneh, was arrested, detained, and later fired, from his job only to be rehired. He committed no crime only that he believed in freedom of speech which never existed.
December 2006, Abdougafar Olademinji and Baron Eloagou , both Nigerian citizens working in the Gambia as reporters for the Daily Express, were attacked by unknown assailants and beaten severely thus sustaining serious injuries. The police never arrest any one up till now.
March 28th. 2007, Democracy Activist, Fatou Jaw Manneh, a U.S. based Gambian journalist, was arrested at the airport, her traveling documents seized and charged with sedition. Her Kangaroo trial lasted more than a year. Her heavy fine of 250,000 dalasi ($9,260) was paid with donations from family and friends from all around the world to gain her freedom. She left the country she love and returned to the US
In February 2009, Pap Saine, Managing Director, of The Point Newspaper was arrested and subsequently charged with publishing false information. He reported the transfer of diplomat Lamin Sabi Sanyang who was arrested by NIA was transferred to MILE 2 central prisons. Also former minister Neneh Macdouall-Gaye was appointed ambassador. Mr Saine only became a free man when the high court withdrew the charges in July.
In March on the 5th 2009, retired Major Antouman Saho, former minister for fisheries was arrested and incarnated at the notorious Mile 2 prisons. He was said to have been pardoned by “Oga” as Yahya Jammeh became commonly know in July without a charge.
2009, Abdulhamid Adiamoh, of Today Newspaper, was arrested for false publication and detained at NIA headquarters. The criminals gave him an option to either plead guilty or face deportation back to Nigeria. We all know Africa and hopelessness. He chose to plead guilty but the bandits never honour their promise. He was heavily reprimanded.
June 14th. 2009, seven journalists who are members of the Gambia Press Union (GPU), were rounded up from various locations by heavily armed paramilitary agents and detained at NIA headquarters before being transferred to the notorious Mile 2 prison outside Banjul. The group listed below, were granted bail and charged with publishing seditious material .Despite protests of regional and international organizations such as Media Foundation for West Africa, Amnesty International, Community to Protect Journalists, the government of Yahya Jammeh who in 1994 promised you Gambians he would treat you all fairly but again he failed to failed to listen to your cry for mercy. Only one out of the seven was acquitted for lark of evidence while all the other six on August 5th were convicted of all six counts and sentenced to two years imprisonment with a fine of 1 million dalasis ($35,714). Failure to pay the fine would result in additional two years
Emil Touray, Secretary General Gambia Press Union, Sarata Jabbi Dibba, Vice President, Gambia Press Union, Sam Sarr, Managing Editor, The Foroyaa Newspaper, Ebou Sawaneh, Editor, The Point Newspaper, Abu-Bakr Saidy-Khan, journalist, Foroyaa newspaper, Pa Modou Faal, Treasurer, Gambia Press Union
The above respected Gambian journalist, your own sons/daughters ect were arrested and subjected to all sorts of inhuman degrading treatments and fined heavily just to scare them into silence.
Yahya Jammeh on the 3rd of September had all the six journalists released saying it was a good will gesture in honour of the holy month of Ramadan just to fool vast majority of the population who are Muslims into thinking that the man indeed respect the Islamic faith.
Oh my God for gesture of what? Gambians Gambians Gambians watch out.!
June 22nd. 2009, Augustine kanjia, a reporter for The Point Newspaper, was arrested and detained by security agents. He was released June 25th, 2009
On August 9, Point news deputy editor in chief Aba Gibba and a reporter Sainey Marenah were summoned by Justice Emmanuel Amadi, a thief hired by Yahya Jammeh from Nigeria as a high Court Judge. Mr Amadi demanded to know the source of those two journalists’ report that former inspector General of Police Ensa Badgie aka Jesus was tortured as claimed by his Lawyer Bory s Touray. The Judge was either deaf or just doing his master’s bidding for Lawyer Touray an intelligent Lawyer did made the said statement in court and he came to the journalists’ defence immediately without a penny. They were released without delay.
In June 2009 report surfaced of lengthy incommunicado detention of four of your fellow citizens .They were Kemo Conteh, army staff sergeant Sam Kambai, NIA officer Kebba Seckan and Samsudeen Jammeh who were brought before a magistrate in Brikama with Senegalese nationals from the Cassamance region. The four Gambians were held for three years incommunicado on terrorism charges in unknown location
In November 2009 same brothers who aided Yahya Jammeh with all these atrocities against you Gambians who are of cause our own brothers and sisters blinded by greed and short foresight, were as well betrayed by Oga.
Eight men of the Gambia Arm Forces GAF: Chief of Defense Staff Lt. General Lang Tombong Tamba (CDS) who was accused of foiling the 2006 alleged coup of Colonel Cham and Brigadier General Omar Bun Mbye head of operations and Training GAF, Lt Colonel Kawsu Camara aka Bombardier head of presidential guards at Kanilai, Major Momodou Lamin Bo Badgie head of Military intelligence GAF, Momodou Gaye deputy Inspector General of Police, Diplomat Ngor Secka, real estate dealer Abdoulie Joof and businessman Yusuf Ezziden aka “Rambo”. They were held until March 2010 far beyond the 72 hours limit to bring suspects to trial. Also Rear Admiral Sarjo Fofana head of Navy was brought to court accused with CDS Tamba for the concealment of treason in relation foiled coup in 2006. Also arrested earlier before the above were, Omar Faal, Landing Sanneh (GAF), Captain Bunja Darboe (GAF), Capt Yahya Darboe (GAF), Capt. Wassa Camara (GAF), Lt Pharing Sanyang (GAF), and Tamsir Jasseh, Demba Njie (GAF), Lamin Fatty (GAF), Yankuba Drammeh (GAF), Ensa Badgie (Gambia Police), Bun Sanneh (NDEA) and others.
In December 2009 NIA director Ousman Sowe was unceremoniously dismissed and arrested. Held by state incommunicado for several days without access to family or legal representative.
May 13th Bakary Gassama former financial director of the notorious NIA was released after spending more than a year in detention on charges of abuse of office and reappointed financial director of National Drug Enforcement Agency (NDEA)
Ministers who aided Yahya Jammeh Fired on either incompetence or forceful retirement:
Mass Axi Gai, Angela Colley, Kanja Sanneh, Neneh Macdoual-Gaye Therese Ndong-Jatta (resigned), Maba Jobe (hired & fired before taking office)
Momodou Lamin Sedat Jobe (resigned), Joseph Henry Joof (resigned), Satang Jow (retired), Yankuba Kassama, Margaret Keita, Ousman Badgie, Samba Bah, Musa Bittaye, Amie Bensouda, Mustapha Marong, Fatou Bom Bensouda, John P. Bojang, Momodou Bojang, Nyimasata Sanneh Bojang, Mamat Cham, Ebrima Ceesay, Momodou Ngai Ceesay ,Ousman Koro Ceesay (murdered), Sulayman Massaneh Ceesay, Bakary Bunja Dabo, Pap cheyasin Secka, Fafa Edrisa Mbye, Fasainey Dumbuya, Samba Faal, Omar Faye, Sadibou Haidara (murdered), Sheikh Tijan Hydara, Baboucar Blaise Jagne Balla Garba Jahumpa, Momodou Sarjo Jallow, Dr Amadou Scattered Janneh, Manlafi Jarju, Dr.Tamsir Mbowe, Dominic Mendy, Alieu Ngum, Bakary Njie, Omar Njie, Susan Waffa-Ogoo, Hawa Sisay Sabally, Sana B. Sabally, Famara Jatta, Kumba Ceesay-Marenah, Abdoulie Sallah, Hassan Sallah, Musa Sillah, Dr. Sedat Jobe, Momodou Sallah, Sidy Morro Sanneh, Kebba Sanyang, Samsudeen Sarr, , Edward Singhatey, Raymond Sock, Amina Faal Sonko, Baboucarr Jatta, Mustapha Marong, Musa Mbenga, Sulayman Mboob, Bolong Sonko, Bai Mass Taal, Fatoumatta Tambajang, Bemba Tambedou, Yankuba Touray, Crispin Grey Johnson, Antouman Saho, Lamin Bojang, Marie Saine Firdaus.
Lawyers and judges dismissed or arrested since 1994.
Several Judges were dismissed in 2008 without any due process of law. Chief Justice Abdou Karim Savage dismissed in June. Also In 2009 June Justice, Haddy Roche regarded as an independent thinker in legal circles was dismissed without explanations. Antouman Gaye Lawyer, Mariam Denton: Human Rights Lawyer, Bory. S. Touray, Moses Richards,
Some of your fellow citizens had to flee the country when they escaped death
Ousman Sillah: Attorney/Lawyer who was shot three times in 2004 when he tried to defend embattled majority leader of the ruling APRC’s Baba K. Jobe
Mai Fatty: Attorney (Attorney/Lawyer his car was overran by a truck while he was on his way home from work.
In 2009/2010 so called chiefs were given vehicles going round the country advocating for Yahya Jammeh to BECOME KING. Am I dreaming? Hail His Royal Highness KING YAHYA?
A man who 14/16 years ago was accusing Jawara of staying too long in power thus encouraging rampant corruptions and mismanagement of public funds. Now they chiefs who are selected by Yahya Jammeh and not representatives or elected by us Gambians want Yahya to become KING
No suspects no arrests. Chei Gambia Oh Gambia! What have they turned YOU into?
Gambians most reflect and vote Yahya Jammeh out come November even if we have a tree as a candidate!
Bamba Mass (UK)
Comments (55)
boycott elections says:
May 23, 2011 at 6:11 pm
@black image if you think development is a bigger airport you are wrong why have a bigger airport and less flights. if no planes are landing there how will we pay for upkeep. if you build a bigger school with no techers or books what use is it. jawara era was bad jammeh era is worse. our country is moving in the wrong direction.
Boyboy says:
May 23, 2011 at 9:02 pm
UDP says:
May 23, 2011 at 9:16 pm
Yahya Jammeh,s administration is
leading us to vision 2020. We’re half way
there, just be patient nine more years,
we will retired to young Gambians, not to those
recycle dont knew how
sam says:
May 23, 2011 at 9:35 pm
That is a good idea UDP
boycott elections says:
May 23, 2011 at 10:15 pm
join him where he pu many many many people. no 2020
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