Last Days of an African Terrorist.Libya is free

Col. Muhmar Gaddafi almost in hiding, while some of his sons Muhammad, and Saadi captured by the rebels who have overran tripoli and took over his compound Baul azaziya, his seat of terror rul for four decades and yet the terrorist leader is no where to be found He is Africa's longest serving ruler who led a rebellion against the regime of former king Asanusi, 42 years ago. Gaddafi has been responsible for most coups in Africa either fully sponsoring them or backing them with Libyan oil money while his people sterve and many remained unemployed.He has turned Africa and the African Union which he sometimes single handedly funded into his own while the Union became his mouth piece. All African despotic leaders were scared of him as most regard him as master. But that is what thieves do to eachother when the going gets tough.Today, most of those leaders who were his boy boys have now abandoned him. Even the tiny west African nation of Gambia whose leader Yahya Jammeh coppied most of his iron ruling styles from him have deserted him instead openly supporting his rivals the NTC. The tiny Gambia was Gadaffi's backyard with green plag and revolutional idea roaming in evey corner.Gaddafi made the Gambia what it is today but the Gambian regime he backed when they were indire need of support today betrayed him.
There is no where for the brutal devil to hide not even under the wings of his created tiny brutal thugs like Yahya Jammeh. All his creatures in Africa are making a big calculation and have no time to think of what happens to their master.

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