Africa has moved from the once garden of aden to the war zone,aids office,fermine,hunger,starvation,brutal genocide,endless inhuman sufferings of her people from slavery to colonisation then neo colinisation to mental slavery..........
Now how can Africa's own sons in this new civilised world continue to deny their own citizens the little freedom left to them by the colonial masters.
A while ago, in the DRC,LAURENT-DESIRE Kabila, the Congolese leader who just two years ago was welcomed by the world as a shining example of a "new generation of African leaders'', is losing his hold on power as his military allies desert him. Mr

Kabila came to power by the gun - ending the 32-year dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko in 1997 - and now could be ousted by the same means, unless he agrees to give away vast tracts of his mineral-rich country - a territory the size of western Europe.
DR Congo's Kabila a fromer mercenary who succeeded in creating a there is a monarchy in the DRC.

Joseph Kabila (l) succeeded his assassinated father Laurent-Desire Kabila. What is wrong with Africa? My fellow Africans just few years ago was it not this same man's father killing his way to topple another dictator Mabutu?
Gnassingbe Eyadema took power in a bloodless coup in 1967.He once said that democracy in Africa "moves along at its own pace and in its own way".

Just resently in GABON,After the death of its dictator Omar Bongo,another dictator has created an empire styled state

the Gabon leader's funeral .LOOK!

In Libya

MAHMUR GADDAFI, known as Colonel Gaddafi has been the power since he overthrew the mornachy of the late king Idris Al-Sanusi .Now he rules absoutely.A real dictator who never practices wat he preaches.He is Africa's lingest serving dictator alife and now,
He is said to BE GROOMING his second son

Saif al-Islam Gadafi, to succeed him as the socalled leader of the Jamahiria.
Down Libya in the west african state of Senegal, President Abdoulie Wade

Now after comming to power,HE is also been accused of grooming his son

Karim Wade has been announced as the country's new minister of state in charge of international cooperation, infrastructure and aviation. Souleymane Ndene Ndiaye, Senegal newly appointed Prime minister said Karim Wade was not chosen because of his father, whiles insisting that "above all, he is Senegalese," and citing his background as a businessman overseas.
In Sudan.
president Omar al-Bashir,

Last year world's dictator's rank: 1st
Omar al-Bashir retains his position as the worst dictator because of his ongoing deadly human-rights abuses in the Darfur region of Sudan. Over the last four years, at least 200,000 people there have been killed by pro-Bashir forces. Nationwide, 5.3 million have been driven from their homes, and more than 700,000 have fled the country. But at the UN last September, Bashir blamed international aid groups for exaggerating the problems as a ploy to raise money for their organizations. And in November, he argued that war-related deaths in Darfur were less than 9,000. Despite agreeing to a 60-day ceasefire last month, he has been accused by his people of ordering troops to continue their attacks.
IN ZIMBABWE,Robbert Mugabe has refused to relinguish power even when the people openly voted him out democratically

Mugabe: One of the grand old men of African politics is now so greedy to go and now because of Mugabe everyone in zimbabwe is a MILLIONIER and yet Zimbabwians are poorer than the word poor. The country's citizens continue to suffer just because of one man's greed.Why why why?
Are we a cursed continent?
Egypt's Hosni Mubarak,age: 78. has been in power since 1981.Despite ranked world's 18th worst dictator,still has the backing of the international powers.

Mubarak joined the Egyptian military at an early age and gradually rose in command for 25 years until he was appointed Egypt’s vice-president in 1975. When President Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981, Mubarak took his place and has ruled the nation under a state of emergency ever since. Every six years, he stages a rigged election to maintain his position as president. For the latest one, in 2005, no international observers were allowed. Reports of the torture of prisoners in Egypt are frequent, credible and widespread. Under the Emergency Law, Mubarak has the right to arrest people without charge.Now the pople of Egypt have turned to a renoun former UN chief Mr.Al-Baradai.hope he too doest not disappear if Mubarak feel his position is threatened.
In Cameroon.Paul Biya, age: 73. he too has been in power since 1982.He is world's number 19th worst dictator yet the french gives him their all out support why?

Independent Cameroon’s first dictator, Ahmadou Ahidjo, resigned after 22 years in power when his French doctors convinced him that he had a terminal illness. He didn’t, but by the time he realized this, his replacement, Paul Biya, was safely in place, and Ahidjo had to flee the country. Cameroon has the reputation of being one of the world’s most corrupt countries. Biya is credited with instituting one of the more creative tactics in the history of rigged elections. After international election-monitoring groups denounced his elections as “designed to fail,” Biya hired his own group of international monitors. Made up of ex-U.S. congressmen of both parties, the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress declared Cameroon’s 2004 election as free and fair. Another observer group, led by former Canadian prime minister Joe Clark, arrived earlier and denounced as rigged the registration process, which the U.S. group had missed.
Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi age: 51.In power since 1995. after overthrowing the vile dictator Mengistu.He is now the world's 18th worst dictator.

A former medical student, Meles Zenawi began his political career by joining a Stalinist guerilla group in 1974. Twenty-one years later he gained power after overthrowing Ethiopia’s much-reviled dictator, Mengistu Haile Mariam. In order to satisfy Western demands for a multi-party democracy, Meles created puppet parties for each of the nation’s major ethnic groups, while the real parties boycotted his elections. In 1998, he subjected his people to an unnecessary border war with Eritrea that caused thousands of deaths. He agreed to international arbitration to settle the border, but when the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission ruled against him, Meles refused to abide by the decision and kept fighting for what he called Ethiopian land that was meant for Eritrea.
Again,Ethiopians troops are accused of human right violations in the Africa's failed state of Somalia a country without a viable covernment since 1981 when Muhamed Said Barre

In Guinea Conakry another mad man in the name of Captain Mussa Dadis Camara

When Dadis Camara came to power after Lansana Conte, he lied to the world that he would restore democracy and had Senegal's Wade supporting him asking the world to give him a chance only to turn hisown ethnic group into secret death squards to help his grip onto power.He was shot by one of his own body guards while attending a meeting in one of the military barracks in conakry.luckly he survived after he was rushed to Morrocco for a brain surgery which helped the Guinean people because his deputy General Sekouba Konate

Go to Africa's Bissau.
President Joao Bernardo Vieira

had ruled intermittently since 1980 he was killed in a revenged attack by soldiers loyal to the country's army chief who was assasinated by forced thought to back Ninu.Truely a greedy son of Satan
Guinea Bissau is a country marred by wars within and power struggle amongst its greedy top brats,is among the world's least developed nations and one of the 10 poorest countries in the world
In Eritrea, Isayas Afewerki the 61 year old in power since 1991, is ranked world's 13th worst dictator.

Afewerki led Eritrea to independence after a 30-year war of liberation. But his real goal was to keep himself in power, which he has successfully done for 16 years, suspending the constitution and canceling elections. He also forced his people into a useless border war with Ethiopia that caused the death of tens of thousands of soldiers and displaced more than 600,000 Eritreans. No doubt inspired by George W. Bush’s declaration that Iraq, Iran and North Korea were an “Axis of Evil,” Isayas accused his neighbors, Ethiopia, Yemen and Sudan, of being an “Axis of Belligerence.”Oh God what is he?
King Mswati III of Swaziland age: just 38, has been in power since 1986.
Last year’s rank .He is ranked world's 12th worst dictator .Despite comming to power after the death of his father king zobussa, Mswati is said to rule by devine power.

Mswati III was 18 years old when he was crowned king of the Southern African nation of Swaziland. According to the constitution, he has the right to overrule all laws and rules, and it is illegal to investigate any matter relating to the him. He once bought a private jet for $44.6 million—more than twice the annual health budget for the entire nation. Swaziland has the highest HIV/AIDS rate in the world (more than 33%), and 10% of Swazi households are headed by children. The government refers to these households as “sibling families.” Mswati III’s power is summarized in the Swazi saying, “A king is a mouth that does not lie.”
Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea is a 64 year old brutal dictator who has been in power since 1979.The world's 11th worst leader has no signs of going or retiring.

Obiang seized control of this small, oil-rich West African nation by executing the previous dictator—his uncle. In July 2003, state radio announced that Obiang “is in permanent contact with The Almighty” and that he “can decide to kill without anyone calling him to account and without going to Hell.” Obiang himself told his citizenry that he felt compelled to take full control of the national treasury in order to prevent civil servants from being tempted to engage in corrupt practices. To avoid this corruption, Obiang deposited more than half a billion dollars into accounts controlled by Obiang and his family at a bank in Washington, D.C., leading a U.S. federal court to fine the bank $16 million.

This man came to power with almost nothing in his pocket much more not even an account number just 12 to 13 years ago. But today, He is one of Africa's richest presidents.A self proclaimed professor, sheick Doctor and renoun curer of AIDS.He is a Commander in thief, commander of farming where all civil servants must go to his farm and do forced labour or get fired from their jobs by hiscorrupt appointed thief head of departments. He is chief bread baker, chief fisherman giving fishes to his crocodiles while the majority of the citizenry go without fish to eat on their tables, chief lawmaker with a kangaroo parliament who dances to his tunes as he can fire any MP or luck you up.
Lots of journalists and political opponents are presently being held without trial and as to add insult to injury, He has hired crock mercenary judges from corrupt rigged brother Nation of Nigeria who are only interested in the cash and is using them to luck up as many opponents as he wishes so as to make it look t the international community that those were legally imprisoned .But lets hope and pray he didn't last long like his mentor the late Mabutu. Please God help us, your creatures in Africa are crying.
In Cape verde, one of Africa's most stable democracies still continues on its democratic policies of multiparty democracy.Now there signs the cuntry is rapidly developing compared to its former associates the failed nation of Guinea Bissau a country marred by wars within and power struggle amongst its greedy top brats,is among the world's least developed nations and one of the 10 poorest countries in the world
Pedro Pires:

A veteran of Cape Verde's independence campaign has ruled this now peaceful tiny nation.
John Atta Mills

opposition candidate who won the resent elections in the African state of Ghana has pledged to be a "president for all".A real professor of Law is becoming a champion in the eye of even his recent oponents.
Ernest Bai Koroma

former opposition and now president of sierra leone has also won an election through free and fair election in a once war turned nation.
President Jacob Nzuma

You see still some countries are gering on the right course of respect for humanity and living by the will of the people. maybe be the nest of evil satan will be crushed one day and africa too wil breathe fresh air.
I know you bamba fearless citizens are rare but God had blessed the Gambia with a man like and am proud to have campaigned with you in 2001.Dou you remember our encounter with Jammeh's hitman at Kombo station when you stood for what you believed and this killer said not a word to? man I thought that was the last of you but as the saying goes the ock that ewould crow is never to be used to name a child.Man may you live long.... Guess who I am
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